Complicated but worth it
Life's weird, isn't it? Some days you're watching a sunset thinking, 'Wow, this is amazing,' and the next day you're stepping in dog poo and questioning everything. It's kind of messy and random, but when it's good, it's really good. 4 stars because even though it's frustrating sometimes, I guess it's still worth it.
Life is good today
so this morning I made toast and it came out absolutely perfect like not too dark not too light just right. then I found a fiver in my coat pocket that I didn't even remember putting there. Life's good.
Downhill after 40
My back hurts for no reason everything I love is suddenly 'retro,' and if I eat anything spicy after 8 PM I'm awake all night
not worth living since 20th of Jan
better than being dead
i guess?